The Brazilian prostitutes have slashed their prices to attract more customers
According to Dailymail, prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro's red light district are offering a 's*x sale' for visitors to the Olympic Games as they fear the hard times might not bring customers.
Many men will feel lucky as the s*x workers have now slashed their prices in the city's notorious Vila Mimosa.
Now, with a month to go before the games, they say they have prepared a flyer in English inviting Olympic athletes to the red light area, near Rio's city centre, offering cut price deals.
The seedy leaflet says 30 minutes of s*x is 40 reals (£9) - down 48 per cent on the normal price of 75 reals (£17).
The Vila Mimosa is Rio's oldest and largest prostitution zone, where over 3,000 women offer their services in more than 70 bars and nightclubs situated around a bustling marketplace.