This is Why You Must Stop Smoking...See What Happens When You Quit the Habit

According to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) there’s around 10million smokers in the UK but about two thirds of them want to give up tobacco.
But the news that ten-packs of cigarettes will be banned in the UK from this Friday has shocked the nation and will probably lead to reduced number of smokers in Britian. 
Small bags of rolling tobacco will also be banned – with pouches forced to be 30g minimum. And the cigarette packets will also be completely bland to help discourage people from the unhealhty habit.
In light of the new laws we've looked at what happens to your body after your last cigarette.
First 20 to 30 minutes
If you’ve gone without a fag for half an hour then your pulse and blood pressure will begin to drop. Your hands and feet will also get hotter.

After eight hours
The level of carbon monoxide in your blood will go down and the amount of oxygen will rise.
Two days
You’ll be able to smell and taste better as your senses improve.
Three days
Your breathing will become easier as the lung's functional abilities are increasing. The bronchial tubes in your lungs also begin to relax.
Two weeks to three months
Your circulation, lung function and stamina begin to improve and your heart attack risk has started to drop.
One to nine months
Smoker’s cough will have disappeared, along with any kind of shortness of breath. Your lungs will be healthier and able to keep clean.
Walking will be easier and you’ll have a general boost of energy.
One year
A year after giving up nicotine, the risk of heart disease will have dropped to half that of a smoker.
Five years
The risk of getting mouth, throat, esophagus or bladder cancer or having a stroke is dramatically cut after five years.
10 years
After a decade the risk of lung disease will have decreased and you’ll have the same risk of pancreatic cancer as a non-smoker’s.

15 years
Nearly twenty years after your last cigarette, the risk of heart disease and death will finally drop to a similar level as a non-smoker’s.
It takes this long for your risk of lung or pancreatic cancer to reduce to that of a person who has never smoked.



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