What Should I Do? My Boyfriend Makes a Lot of Noise During S*x

Dear Readers,
Please help! Whenever we make love he groans and shouts out like he’s a man demented. I used to find his lusty enthusiasm quite a turn-on. I thought it was a sign of his adoration and appreciation of me.
But, now it’s embarrassing and drives me round the bend. A couple of weekends ago we were invited to a friend’s party and she said we could stay overnight. I told my boyfriend in the car going up there that I didn’t want to make love in someone else’s house. But once we got there and had a few drinks, I found myself feeling horny and I let my guard down.
Even though I kept “shushing” him, he proceeded to howl like a werewolf.
He was particularly vocal as he orgasmed. Unfortunately everyone else in the house heard him and we were a laughing stock at breakfast. Now one “friend” is making jokes about us over social media and I feel humiliated and stupid.
My man insists that he can’t help himself. Is this a breaking-up matter? Please help me before I do something foolish.
From anonymous woman.



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