Love, Love, Sweet Love - A Poem

Love, love, sweet love
My heart is filled with pleasant memories
Each time you call my name that way only you can
Ada, you've turned my heart into a tempestuous wave
That rises to fall at the sight of your face
Those dreamy dimples cage me
The sweetness of your voice
Is like the song of a happy warrior
Coming back to whistle into the ears of his darling 
You are a bunch of scented roses
Held out to please a beloved heart
Given by a man in love
So memorable like a tight hug
Shared in front of a waterfall
Your scent is original fantasy
Oh! In your eyes I melt
Nnem, when I hold your hands
And look into your eyes
Searching for joyful tears
Tell me you love me
Steal a kiss from my lips
Let me chuckle and dream dreams
For I see a restful blue moon
Each time I look into your eyes
Oh, your face is so adorable
The stars are dancing etighi 
Like the happy days mother held your face
And called you my wife
We are a river flowing of love
Our hearts are bridges mending torn hearts
We hold the aces, all are portraits of love
Love, love, sweet love.
(Ada - name given to a first daughter. Nwanyioma - a good woman; the name used by a man to dance around his woman's heart for favour. Nnem - my mother)
- a poem by Alexander Thandi Ubani
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