Her Child Complained Thinking It Was Poison Oak But It Was Something Much More Worse

Mandy Suzanne Smith picked up her son Zachary from school as he was complaining of poison oak on his foot and his eyes were itchy. The next day, the rash had spread onto his entire body and he was running a fever.

Doctors thought it was some kind of viral infection but the medicines they give did not work and the situation worsened.They discovered that Zachary had SJS(STEVENS JOHNSONS SYNDROME).It literally burns you from inside out.

“We never even thought what was going on with him could have been an allergic reaction because he had been on it for 12 days. So I thought surely if he was having some type of reaction to it then it would have happened the first night that he had taken it. I was giving him the very thing that was killing him and had no idea.” his mom writes on Facebook.

He was then sent to Batsons Children Hospital for 4 days leaving his parents worried.
A dermatologist who did a skin biopsy on him, confirmed to Mandy that he had SJS and it had turned into TENS. When the concerned parents asked her if their son would be okay, she said “I don’t know, he is a very sick little boy.”

The boy was then airlifted to another hospital that was more experienced with dealing with SJS. At that time the situation worsened even more and the poor little boy's skin started coming off. He cried the entire ride.

As soon as they arrived, the doctors placed Zachary in a medically induced coma and they would be doing surgery to remove his skin and then would wrap him in a material called biobrane while his new skin grew back under it.
Before his surgery, Mandy told her son “how much she loved him and that everything would be okay”, before giving him a kiss.
His mom said:
“A few hours later they allowed me to come back into the icu room and see him. He had been put into a coma, was completely wrapped up from head to toe, and had tubes everywhere, with a machine breathing for him. I broke down. I was so overwhelmed and just could not believe that this was actually happening. The only question I could ask the doctor was “is he going to make it?” And when his answer was “I don’t know” that killed me even more. I needed reassurance. I needed to hear “yes, he is going to be okay”

It was then and there at that exact moment that Mandy had received reassurance: “I knew this was the lord telling me, “I’ve got this, put your faith in me and I will deliver” and that is exactly what he did.
Zachary told his parents that while he was in his coma, he was never actually asleep, and that a strong angel named Samson held him in his arms, and that he had also seen his “mawmaw patsy” that had passed. He said he laid in her lap and she scratched his back.
She said:“If that’s not the work of God then I just don’t know what is. I know that we all think nothing like this can ever happen to us or our children, but it can. You never know what situation you might find yourself in, but no matter the situation, give it to God. He is mighty and he is faithful and he will be there.”



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