Former S*x Worker Tells Shocking Story How Prostitution Destroyed Her Life

A girl who was once a prostitute has opened up on how the profession ruined her life and what effect it has had on her. 
She narrates her story: "I used to be a prostitute and it made me hate men. Now I’m wondering whether to give up searching for ‘the one’. I am 24 and have had four abortions, the first when I was only 16. I left home when I was very young due to an abusive household and went into prostitution, but thankfully I managed to get a ‘regular’ job and was able to safely earn a living to support myself.
"I met a man shortly after this and was with him for five years, but he was very violent towards me and, again, I was fortunate to be able to move away and get myself out of the situation, despite still caring for him.
"However, my experience of men through s*x work and from being in abusive relationships has made me feel very cold towards them. I meet a lot of men socially and I go out dating, but I feel I just lead them on. I never sleep with them as I find it very difficult to be intimate with a man now."
She's now helpless because she can't seem to have real feelings for men.
"Should I just give up on men altogether? I have considered if I might be gay, but I’m definitely not. And if I do ever meet a man I really like, should I tell him about my s*x work? Please help."



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