Shocking! Top Government Minister Caught Pants Down Masturbating in His Office (Photos)

In the video, the Congolese minister happily pleasure himself on camera
A top government minister has been filmed masturbating in his office. The incident happened on Thursday 28th April 2016.
In the four minutes and 27 seconds video, the well respected government official be seen masturbating in office.
The minister has been identified as Enock Ruberangaba Sebineza, 54, the Democratic Republic of Congo state Minster for Posts Telecommunications.
The video shows the minister bring out his p*nis to masturbate, ejaculate before wiping off with a white paper. The video showed his grin and relief after the incident.
All this happened in front of the official portrait of President Joseph Kabila and country’s National flag.
The video has sparked wild protest on twitter with Congolese twitter users castigating the minister using the hastag #SebinezaMustGo which has now gone viral.



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