Omg! This Man's Bizarre Experience at the Bank Today With a Woman Will Both Shock and Amuse You

The man told of how a woman refused to be corrected even though she was wrong and was variously told.
Read what he wrote below:
I want to share my funny experience at the bank
This bank pasted a note that the ATM machine can dispense only #500 note. So there was this woman who had occupied the machine for over 30 minutes withdrawing 500 per transaction. 
Having lost patient of waiting, I appealed to the woman to either withdraw 10000 once or 5000 rather than 500 each. 
She proudly told me that I'm ignorant of banking. That any attempt to withdraw more than 500 will lead to seizure of her card and non of us can stampede her to go against banking regulation. 
She even bragged that she is one of the first Nigerians that started using ATM before I was born.
All my attempt to educate her that dispensing "500 naira note only" does not mean that you cannot withdraw more than 500 naira proved abortive. 
Yes! She withdrew 5000 in 10 transactions. 
I personally asked her to wait and see if the machine will seize my card if I withdraw beyond 500.
This woman quickly called the attention of security men attached to the bank that I'm trying to breach the banking rules. 
Even the police could not hold back their amusement. All the attempts by the security men to explain to her did not yield any fruit.
She even accused the police of trying to shield me.
As if that was not enough, she proceeded to banking hall to report the police for conniving with me to withdraw more than 500 naira per transaction. 
Lucky enough, the bank manager was already outside to know why there was drama in the banking premises. 
The manager respectfully took the woman to a corner to explain to her.
The last word from the woman to the manager while driving off with her car is that: "Mr manager, all of you are afraid to warn that man that violated your rules, I will stop banking with you if you cannot take action".



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