Fetish Man Exposed After Using Dried Human P*nis to Have S*x With Women

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The man from Beitbridge, Zimbabwe, was found with a dried human male s*x organ which he used to remotely sleep with women in the village.
According to My Zimbabwe, the man was exposed during a family cleansing ceremony after some female members of his family enlisted the services of a traditional healer, Siachielo Mapiye.
The women had complained that they would from time to time wake up feeling wet as if they had been engaged in intercourse.
What spooked them is that they would wake up with no underwear at all. Those that managed to keep theirs, the knickers would be at knee level.
One of the man’s relatives said it was embarrassing when he was exposed.
“He kept the organ in is bedroom under the mattress and confessed that he used it to sleep with numerous women from the area without their consent,” said the family member adding that he got the “thing” from a Sangoma in South Africa.
The man confessed that once he picks the dried human p*nis and fixes it to his real p*nis, he would be able to invoke any woman he wants and have s*x with her without her being with him physically. He also confessed to also having s*x with his cows hence he had a large herd of cattle. 
He was consequently handed over to the police who are carrying out investigation. 



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