7 Natural Tips to Keep Up With Skin, Hair & Nail Therapy

Skin Therapy - Vega7Photography - BN Beauty - BellaNaija - 2016
Many people prep and prime for their wedding, but may fall back into their regular, sometimes unhealthy routines after the special day.
Here are 7 natural ways to keep up with hair, nail and body therapy after the ‘big day’.

  1. Manicures: Soak your nails in warm whole milk for ten minutes to soften, cut, buff and massage with a few drops of lavender oil used to strengthen nails. The same can be applied to pedicures but add a few drops ofcinnamon to prevent toe fungi.
  2. Facials: Mix a facial mask containing turmeric used to brighten or add a glow, olive oil smooths skin, with an additional mix of  honeylemon juiceand sugar to exfoliate. All these ingredients biweekly can help rejuvenate your face – works great for those who tend to avoid cosmetic use.
  3. Monthly hair plan: Find a monthly hair plan, braids, weave or even maintain your natural hair with homemade deep conditioners, a favourite is theavocado hair treatment or apple cider vinegar.
  4. Eat healthier: Avocados, almond nuts, eggs, spinach, smoothies, fresh fruit salads, wholegrain or wheat bread and small portioned meals will add to your fertility and also maintain a steady weight – allowing you to enjoy cheat days with your husband…EXTRA BONDING TIME!
  5. Exercise: A jog, repeated walks up the stairs, in-house weights or the gym.
  6. Invest in one facial feature: If you love your eyes, several natural eye creams are available, alternatively if you love your lips, olive oil orpetroleum jelly with an old toothbrush and some sugar gets rid of those dead skin cells and makes you kissable 24/7.
  7. Whiten your teeth: Natural teeth whitening, every Saturday with a teaspoon of coconut oil will go a long way for that 32 smile you like to showcase whenever your spouses friends come round. One or two teaspoon of coconut oil swished around your mouth for about 15-20minutes is an act of oil-pulling, a way to improve your oral health, rinse after and brush your teeth as normal.



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