Shocking! Heartless Maid Defiles Minors' Private Parts with Fork (Photo)

Joyce Hatvakha
A heartless maid has been arrested after she was accused of using a fork on the private parts of two minors. The woman found herself in court for allegedly defiling two minors with a fork after the two little girls told their parents of the incident. 
According to the Nairobian, Joyce Hatvakha, 23, reportedly committed the offence on April 7 at Easton Estate, Kenya.
The court heard that the suspect touched the private parts of two minors — a four-year-old and a two-and-half year-old girl on the same date. Then she used a fork to poke the girls.
It was gathered that the suspect summoned them in the house while they were playing outside, and ordered them to undress and lie on the couch where she used a fork to touch their privates while mumbling unknown words and mentioning their names.
The prosecution revealed that the suspect warned them not to tell anyone. The kids however told their parents who reported the matter to the police.
The minors were taken to hospital for treatment.
The suspect denied the charges, and the case will be mentioned on April 27. 



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