Omg! Lady Writes Really Mean Letter to a Man to Tell Him How Much His Breath Stinks (Photo)

The unnamed woman didn't waste any time in telling the man to just how his breath stinks really  bad and how he should get solution to it really quick.
Read what she wrote below:

It reads: 
Dear Mr Allison

This is Imani...from your second class. I am writing to inform you that your breath is just out of control. It smells straight like a pile of DOG Shit

I'm sorry to be so blunt but it's been three weeks long. I really hope that you take this in great condideration because I'm really trying to learn but your breath is a distraction. (A BIG ONE)

PS: I put a piece of gum. Hopefully it helps (Its a little stale)

I'm sorry you had to find out like this



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