2-yr-old girl drowns in well a day after dad brought her to stay with him

A newly married man drowned in wellplay
It was gathered that Gbenga, a lecturer at the Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, had gone to Abeokuta in Ogun State, to forcibly take the toddler from her mother, Busayo, because she refused to move down to stay with him in Lagos.
The next morning, he went out to buy bread but when he came back, the girl was no where to be found and after a search party was organized to look for her, her body was later found inside the 80-feet deep well which was uncovered in the compound.
But Busayo's family are said not to be satisfied with the explanation given on how the girl died, sensing foul play at the manner officers at the Gowon Police Station was handling the incident.
An angry family member said:
“The DPO said we should quickly go and bury the girl. But we want proper investigation to be carried out.”
Busayo, who works with the Ogun State Ministry of Finance, reportedly told the police at the station that she had always taken good care of her daughter until her husband came to take custody of the girl.
According to a police source, the father wanted to raise his two children in Lagos but when his wife refused to come down to Lagos, he went to take the girl by force.
“Gbenga went to Abeokuta to forcibly take Rachael from her mother. He brought her down to Lagos. On their arrival, Rachael was playing in backyard and fell inside a well that was uncovered. The couple had two kids; a boy and a girl.
The man wanted his wife to resign and move down to Lagos to stay with him, but she refused. The man went to Abeokuta on Monday, picked the girl against his wife’s wish.
He left the girl to go and buy bread. When he came back, the girl had fallen inside the well.”



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