Hilarious! Video of Man Dressed As Dangerous Bear Scaring His Colleague at Work Goes Viral

A builder has pulled a hilarious prank on his unsuspecting colleagues - by dressing up as a bear and chasing them around a construction site.
In the video, a man crouches behind a portable cabin dressed in a bear costume as one of his colleagues walks towards him. As the unsuspecting builder turns the corner, he spots the bear and immediately makes a run for it, yelling in terror.
In the background, behind the camera, several other construction site workers can be heard laughing as they watch the man in the hi-vis jacket take off at speed towards a truck.
The bear steps out from its hiding place and crawls across the ground, before standing up on its hind legs and roaring loudly.
Other terrified colleagues notice the commotion and also catch sight of the bear before quickly making their own escapes.
The clip was uploaded to YouTube by Tommy Czubson and has been viewed more than 494,000 times since March 3.
It is not clear where the footage was shot.
Youtube Viewers were understandable impressed by the prank, with one writing: "This is 100x funnier than any traditional prank on YouTube."
Another added: "Some say he's still running."
Watch the video below:



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